Thursday 29 July 2004

Pick ten from a hundred

This is the 101st post in this blog.
A selectors' panel, chosen from among the most distinguished literary critics of a dozen countries, met last week at a secret location deep in the Sussex countryside. They examined, re-examined and discussed the first one hundred posts, and finally, after four days of acrimony and even, at times, fisticuffs, agreed a list of the ten posts which, in their expert opinion, represented the most erudite, informative and generally outstanding pieces of prose, or the finest poetry.

The list is to be announced to the public at a ceremony at London's Guildhall towards the end of the year, in the presence of a senior member of the Royal family whose name will be revealed later.

Meanwhile, these were the ones I liked best, or, as Americans say in their quaint way, my favorites:
Carol concert
Sayings of the week
Concealed weapon
Poor Orientalism
So many cheeses
Our Fish Tastes Quite Nice
Verbal economy
Jayyid Jiddan!
Tok Pisin

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