Saturday 19 March 2005

Not Very Interesting Facts

[Nos 194 and 195 in an occasional series]
What a veritable cockpit of serendipity is the internet! This morning, searching, for reasons which I won't go into, for more information about the Choctaw name Tallulah (or Talullah), I found myself in the E-Museum of Minnesota State University, Mankato, MN, and learned from their home page that today, 19th March, is the day the swallows return to the mission at San Juan Capistrano, CA.

I didn't know this, though The Inkspots charmed us all in the 1940s with the 1929 song ("That's the day I pray that you'll come back to me....").

Also, it seems that it was on this day in 1871 that chewing gum was invented. I didn't know that either.

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